iOS & Android – Introducing Ionic

If you intent to do a really simple app and you want to focus on the content you provide, Ionic is perfect for that purpose. It takes less than 15 min to configure and allow you to deploy iOS & Android apps really fast for simple layouts : pipes, components, pages, directives, providers, and tabs.

You can easily deploy a Ionic app from terminal, create an account and an app on the Ionic Dashboard then just run :

$ sudo npm install -g cordova ionic
$ ionic start TestIonic # Here just select a template when asked e.g. Tabs
$ git push ionic master
$ git serve # Deploy a local test server


You can see the result instantly on your devices. Just make your app public then open Share App and use the AppId in the “Ionic View” App on iOS & Android.

Then you can develop in HTML/JS and see the result will be available on your devices :

$ cd src/pages/
$ vi home/home.html # Edit file
$ git add home/home.html
$ git commit -m "Second commit"
$ git push ionic master

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