Fridge Cook – Develop a Flutter app generating recipes with ChatGPT!

Looking for a powerful tool to complete your texts and generate images? Look no further than ChatGPT’s Completion and Image Generation APIs! The AI-powered models can help you generate high-quality images, complete your sentences and paragraphs right in your apps!

Need an eye-catching image generator for any topic you have in mind? The Image Generation API can create custom visuals tailored to your specifications. Or maybe you’re struggling to generate answers to your end users inputs? The Completion API can suggest the perfect words to wrap it up. With ChatGPT’s Completion and Image Generation APIs, the possibilities are endless. So why wait? Give it a try and see the magic for yourself!

Fridge Cook: Generate Recipes based on fridge content!

We will help you design a Flutter app with one codebase for both iOS and Android platforms using Flutter.

Flutter is a fantastic framework that can help you build iOS and Android applications really fast with a shared codebase.

We implement Clean Architecture and Test Driven Development to achieve our goals.

Along with the satisfaction to propose a nice experience for mobile users, we hope this repository will help you understanding the process to develop maintainable and testable mobile applications and understand how the ChatGPT API works!

Build an ingredients management Flutter app (iOS & Android) tailored to suggest recipes based on your fridge’s content!

With the Fridge Cook Toolbox, you will learn by applying your knowledge to a concrete Fridge Cooking app based on Flutter technology: each app feature will be developed using Test Driven Development approach and Clean Architecture / modular design.

Check it out in the following open-source GitHub repo:
GitHub repository

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